Monday, 14 May 2007

Psychic Hotline


Im psychic.

I know it sounds weird but really, I am.

I have 3 different occurences to give as examples of my baffling psychic ability. There are more examples but i'll start with these...

A few years ago, my sisters and I were watching our dad give a presentation. We sat on the side while he was in the centre. It was a large room, high ceilings, air conditioned but not cold. My dads performance was dazzling and the room erupted in applause when it was over. As he returned to his seat, he glanced and gave us a smile. I immediately told my sister seated next to me that daddy was cold. She said he can't be, the room is warmish and he's wearing a blazer. I insisted he was VERY cold. She got tired of my incessant natter and told my second sister who at the time was peeling off her clothing layers what I said . She gave me a long look and let out a hiss. When the event was over, we met our dad outside and was about to start with our congratulations but before we even let out a word, he looked at us and said 'Boy, I was absolutely freezing in there'.

My best friend was dating a man she shouldnt have. After I voiced my disapproval, she stopped telling me about him. One night, i dreamt i was at a funfair and she came up to me and said she was still dating the guy but that he told her not to tell me'!. I woke up. The next time i saw her, i told her about the dream and she looked at me strangely and asked if I was playing a prank on her. I was confused. She then told me that last weekend, she and him went to one of those travelling circuses and while they were talking about their 'relationship', the guy told her not to tell me about them because i'd discourage her.

Today, this morning, getting ready for work, I told my boyfriend that I wish my boss would call in sick. He asked why i wished her to be ill. I explained i didnt but I was tired of her stress and could do without it today so I hope she pulls in a fake sickie. I get into work for 9am and im talking to him on msn. He asks me if she's in and I say 'not yet'. 10minutes later, i get an email from her saying ' Hi Ogoja Princess, I probably will not make it in today. Had a big crash yesterday at a mountain biking event 50km. Trying to get into to have xrays.....'

Psychic, from the Greek psychikos meaning "mental, of the soul" (in turn derived from psyche meaning "soul, mind"), is a term used to describe phenomena or abilities that are said to originate from the brain but which transcend its confines.

So, am I psychic or not psychic?


Oludo mama


Oludo is my native name from my dads side.

He's from Ogoja in Cross River state.

Ogoja is a beautiful place with lots of history. Our town, Iyala, originally migrated from Benue state in search of salt which was a hot commodity a few hundred years ago.

They settled in the northeastern tip of CrossRiver state and have remained there ever since. Our language, names and customs are more Idoma like than Cross River like.

Oludo means Beautiful.

Mama is a pet name. When i was a baby, my paternal grandma always used to carry me. I guess I was just the cutest thing she had ever seen. LOL. Well basically, my siblings started by calling me Mama's Oludo. Which meant I was her Oludo. No one elses. It later developed to Oludo and Mama... and then Oludomama.

My dad is the only one who calls me Oludomama

My siblings and everyone who's close to me and my family including my friends, parents friends, cousins, aunties uncles, siblings friends (you get the gist), or anyone who wants to become close to me like family calls me Mama.

The pronunciation is more like 'Hiya' 'HI-YA' '.......... 'Ma ma' 'MAMA'

So, thats me. The One and only Ogoja Princess in blogville.

I work in Marketing but have always wanted to be a writer.

But practice makes perfect and practicing I have not.

Here's hoping this blog changes that.
