Monday, 14 May 2007

Oludo mama


Oludo is my native name from my dads side.

He's from Ogoja in Cross River state.

Ogoja is a beautiful place with lots of history. Our town, Iyala, originally migrated from Benue state in search of salt which was a hot commodity a few hundred years ago.

They settled in the northeastern tip of CrossRiver state and have remained there ever since. Our language, names and customs are more Idoma like than Cross River like.

Oludo means Beautiful.

Mama is a pet name. When i was a baby, my paternal grandma always used to carry me. I guess I was just the cutest thing she had ever seen. LOL. Well basically, my siblings started by calling me Mama's Oludo. Which meant I was her Oludo. No one elses. It later developed to Oludo and Mama... and then Oludomama.

My dad is the only one who calls me Oludomama

My siblings and everyone who's close to me and my family including my friends, parents friends, cousins, aunties uncles, siblings friends (you get the gist), or anyone who wants to become close to me like family calls me Mama.

The pronunciation is more like 'Hiya' 'HI-YA' '.......... 'Ma ma' 'MAMA'

So, thats me. The One and only Ogoja Princess in blogville.

I work in Marketing but have always wanted to be a writer.

But practice makes perfect and practicing I have not.

Here's hoping this blog changes that.



An-Igbo-Dude said...

wow, i guess i'm first then....
i think u have all it takes to be best selling author u want to be. its those little details in ur post that gives u away. take care and i hope to get a free copy of the best selling novel (when u eventually write it, anyway)


Anonymous said...

hey ya! welcome to blogsville!!!!!
u'r definitely going to improve ur writing skills on here without even realising, jst keep the posts coming............. non-stop , lol.
I think every1 here makes a good writer including u, so congrats on making the 1st move.

ababoypart2 said...

1st time here. Loved your post. Being to Ogoja once (FSAS). Will be back...Welcome..

Anonymous said...

welcome to blogsville!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and will def pay another visit and who that great book of urs. welcome again!

Ogoja Princess (aka Mama) said...

ibo dude, anonymous, ababoy & chicala, thanks for stopping by and the warm welcome. xxx

Admin UD said...

Welicome my dear and tnx for stoppin by. lots of love

Dimples said...

Welcome to blogville...look forward to coming back.

ExcitedJade said...

welcome to blogvile... its a lovely place to be, u sure will enjoy urself here.

Anonymous said...

hey girlie, look forward to coming back. thx for stoppin by!

BOBBY said...

Mama, i am so glad you are on here because you of all people, can be anyone you want to be. Welcome to blogville and at least i can keep up with you through your blogs since we dont get to chit chat on the phone as much as we would like to.

Love you babes, and you know you can do anything you want to have always had that will be a beautiful writer and i will be one of your very many fans!!!!

Your cousin Bobby!

Ogoja Princess (aka Mama) said...

ugo: cheers m8! xxx

dimples: thank you! x

excitedjade: im lovin it already. thanks! x

chameleon: see u soon..?

bobby: yeeeeehhhh, u have found my blog! this babe! LOL. great to see you here... should soon feel like home!

Anonymous said...

welcome welcome welcome. i represent the anons.

Moody Crab said...

Nice intro...Now I feel like i know you "mama" (does that mean we are close now)lol

I like you blog layout btw....Pink + black=hot!

Welcome to blogsville

Unknown said...

Hiya Mama,
Welcome to Blogville. Will be coming abck more often.Off to read your other posts now. Cheers.

Ogoja Princess (aka Mama) said...

hi calabar gal, thanks for stopping by.

Linda Ikeji said...

Welcome to blogsville. Its a fun world

Ms. Catwalq said...

lovely name and history

Ogoja Princess (aka Mama) said...

linda: thanks! im already having fun. thanks for stopping by.

catwalq: thanks babes!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you started a blog after yapping me! Mmm.. let's go see what else you have to say.

Ogoja Princess (aka Mama) said...

Ha! madam anonymous... are you who i think you are!

Afrobabe said...

Hi Ogoja babe,I am a benue girl,idoma so u be blood...

Ogoja Princess (aka Mama) said...

hey afrobabe, for real oh! thx for stopping by. do you know what ATAM means?

Island Beauty said...

This is an idoma girl from Benue state.Just read your Blog and was interested in the bit about you migrating from Benue state.I am happy to hear that you still keep your idomaness.I dont come across people from my tribe often.Nice to meet you.I live in london as well.
Take care.
Island Beauty.

Ogoja Princess (aka Mama) said...

hey island beauty...
we're not many are we?
definitely need to stick together.
will pop over to ur blog!

Anonymous said...

ur a very good writer, the sky is ur limit, keep going....

Anonymous said...

ur postings are cool, u could check out my URL too....

i bet u would like it...